Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Hero Games

Well, my next writing project is underway and the initial reviews are quite positive. I'm immersed in Chapter 2 of Hero Games and being begged for more to read by my preliminary readers. Quotes from one of them is below.

This is incredible! haha I love it all...great story Jace plz send me more I will not want to wait to see how this story turns out... 10/10! ~Nick

Thus far, midway in chapter two, we've met five different main characters. The novel looks like it may end up with as many as eleven primary characters!! yes, I said ELEVEN! Phew! It's quite a challenge, but I'm really enjoying it. Also, through some playing around on GIMP and the generous help from HeroMachine, I've drawn up a concept cover for this project, and I've only barely started writing it!

Anyways, here's the concept art, and Hero Games has a page of information (not much, I know, but more coming) on my site: