As a writer, ideas come from everywhere, all the time. Ideas for plots, world creations, characters, phrases, settings, you name it. It's a natural trait for writers, I think, to have their mind constantly trying to tell stories, looking for new stories, and putting together the pieces.
Earlier this week, I watched The Time Traveler's Wife with my wife, who has read the book. (great movie, and apparently, an even better book. I highly recommend them.) The moment the movie was finished, my mind was figuring out how to write a sequel to it called The Time Traveler's Daughter. (Ms. Neffenegger, if you read this and are interested in my ideas, let me know! :) ) Earlier today, my wife and I were talking about some random something, and she quoted a verse that got my brain kicking and out comes a wonderful concept for a multi-world creation that will be really fun to play with, when I get around to it.
That particular idea is what brings me to this post. Sitting at the table, laughing and discussing the idea over a pizza, she recommends I make notes, as we talk, on my iPod Touch, as I often do with ideas that I might be interested in dealing with, but don't have time for right now. (That would be pretty much all of them.) I delayed, concerned of getting pizza grease on my device, but regretted it later, when I was trying to make the notes and having to ask her what she recalled. I don't think I lost much, but it is an excellent illustration of how important it is to write things like this down. You never know when you will be able to go back and use something.
One of my unfinished novels, Thassodar Jax, which should be next in line after Hero Games (which should be back under way as soon as I finish Slave Princess, which is only a short story), was based almost completely from an image I had of the Texas highway system. I was driving home from class about sunset, and the way the roads lifted and twisted among each other made me think of them as almost organic creations, linear lovers entwined before the setting sun. This, in turn, became the way my protagonist saw the roads, being a stranger and seeing our world in a different way.
Children (my wife says like any man), will repeat behaviors that are validated and praised. Similarly, your mind will continue to search for ideas if you validate the ideas by writing them down for later use. Also, as I tell me students, having a list of ideas of interesting facts can be a life-saver when you're dealing with Writers' Block.
Monday, March 21, 2011
Monday, March 14, 2011
Play Ball!
I've spent every other night this week freezing my butt off at baseball games. My son (10) is playing little league, so we've been attending his preseason tournament. (Game is starting; he's on the bench as I write this. Go Pirates!) This is about the only way you'll catch me watching a baseball game.
I also watched the World Series this year- no wait, wrong sport- we watched the Super Bowl this year, at my in-laws' house. (What in the world were they wearing at half-time? It was cool to see Slash rising up onto the stage, though.) It was a very momentous occasion, for it was the first ever, and probably the last, Superbowl I've watched.
I don't dislike sports. (Oh no, my son just missed a long fly to left field, and the other team, the Nationals, scored two runs.) I played in the student-vs-faculty softball game last year, and in the student-vs-faculty volleyball game this past fall. I've got the scar on my nose to prove it! I like to play sports; I just don't like to watch them.
(Bottom of the 1st: 3-0 'Nats' in the lead.) I've never comprehended the appeal of watching someone else have fun. Let's compare: the fan is sitting on a hard, wooden/metal bench, often in less-than-ideal temperatures. (Yes! First run of the game for the Pirates! Way to go, kids.) The Player, on the other hand, is running around, part of a team, enjoying the sunshine if warm, warming up through activity if cool, confronting and surmounting challenges. It just seems like that's a better deal to me. I don't see the fun in sitting on an uncomfortable bench for a couple of hours watching other people run around and play.
(Top of the 2nd inning done: 3-2 Nats in the lead.) Think about this: when you were a little kid and had recess, one of the most horrible punishments available was sitting on the bench beside the teacher watching the other kids play. That was absolutely cruel and inhumane torture. (No! NO! Argh! Nationals just turned a single into homerun through a series of Pirate errors!) How dare they prevent your from playing with your friends! Can you even imagine a kid sitting on the bench beside the teacher, watching recess: "Come on, Bobby, go for the jungle gym. Yeah, yeah! Swing, Susie, Swing! Run for it, Johnny! Oh no, Smelly Johnson tagged him! It's ok, next time, Johnny. Way to go, 4th grade, way to go! Whoop, whoop! Hey Teach, can you get me a Dodger Dog?" He'd be in the counselor's office for the rest of the day.
And yet, (9-2 Nats, Pirates are up to bat.) we grow up and not only do we sit on the bench and cheer for the ones playing, but we PAY for the privilege to do so! (Oh, the umpire reversed a call. Score is 8-2 Nationals.) To top that off, we don't even know the people playing. They aren't our friends, or coworkers, or family. (My boy's up to bat!
Looking at our society, sports are a major part of it. Mostly, however, watching it, not playing it. We have a culture of spectators instead of players. (Wow! Pirates back at bat, and no runs for the Nats! Great job, boys!) Why do we prefer to sit on our collective backsides and cheer on other people being alive? Why do so many choose to pay big bucks to eat hot dogs and peanuts watching a game instead of playing one of their own? (My son just got walked to 1st base. Good eye, son! Now the bases are loaded, no outs, score is 8-9 and the Pirates are in the lead!)
Then, on top of that, we have people making their living telling the spectators what they are watching! Sports Commentators have become huge. I'm not talking about the size of their very useful rear ends. The public is sitting on the bench, watching the game. They aren't doing anything else, and they are fans of the game, presumably, so why do they need someone to explain the action? (Top of the 4th, 8-12 Pirates!)
Apparently, the public is in too poor shape to play, and too stupid to understand what they are watching. Thus we need professional players for people to live vicariously, and announcers to help explain who is winning. Whatever happened to the simple, childhood joy of just playing ball? Of getting out in the sun and being active, of playing for yourself and the joy of the game?
Game over! 10-12 Pirates WIN! Time to go home and celebrate the exciting game I just watched. I don't object to the joys of spectators; I just don't understand them. Maybe I'll try to work a sports fan into my writing, just for the challenge. And maybe my character will teach me something.
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